Simple body language tricks

Simple body language tricks

Simple body language tricks

1. Stand with confidence: keep your back straight and shoulders back.

2. Make a good impression: Look the other person in the eyes while you speak, but don't stare at them.

3. Be friendly: Smile a little and nod occasionally as you listen.

4. Build strong relationships: Copy the other person's small movements to feel connected.

5. Show power: sit relaxed, take more space and keep your hands on the table.

6. Show interest: Keep reading a little while you listen.

7. Be approachable: Keep your arms open, don't cross them.

8. Gain confidence: Move your hands slowly while you talk.

9. Stay calm: Breathe deeply and keep your hands to yourself to look confident.

10. End conversations well: Shake hands firmly and maintain eye contact.

11. Walk with confidence: walk straight, with your head up and with firm steps.

12. Make talking more fun: Use small hand movements to explain things.

13. Avoid appearing nervous: Don't touch your face, phone, or clothing too much.

14. Show that you are listening: Maintain an open posture and tilt your head slightly.

15. Sound more confident: speak slowly and clearly, don't rush.

16. Make a good first impression: smile naturally when you meet someone.


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